

...if you'll be so kind to consider it that. Welcome to anyone that may happen upon this, or take pity on four "adults" with no jobs (at the moment) who are killing time trying to be awesome (what am I saying? We are awesome.)

We are Secret References, we being Doug (the Mexican with the agenda), Sang (the cynical Cambodian asshole), Forrest (the oppressed white guy), and Shauna (the blonde with kind of a manly voice, not going to lie).

Originally we said we were going to post daily...but not everyday, but we will try to post at least weekly...hopefully. We have a different topic post, and sometimes we even have special guests! WOW!

As far as our first podcast goes, it definitely didn't have a topic. But it's a start! Until we work out the kinks of how we post them, you can

download it here

In this episode, we discover what celebs are dead, which aren't, boring people, and Forrest's oppression. Episode two will be uploaded soon!


GundamGirlV said...

I'm glad you guys do crap like this when you're bored. wasting my time listening to this made me a Lil bit smarter...( i wasted m whole day so i didn't really waste my time at all)

GundamGirlV said...
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